
Microsoft's Vista Appears to Be Off Schedule

Although Microsoft said in a telephone conference on Windows Vista this week, is planning to partners last speech.Office 2007 makes life great!

On October 7, Microsoft chief executive officer Steve ballmer in a keynote speech, a group of partners in Ireland. Include a meeting by morris Martin, developers in Microsoft and Ireland, including a slide show Windows Vista beta 2 in December 2005.Office 2007 download is on sale now!

Slide also shows that the final version of Windows Vista was nominated for the summer of 2006. The report is called "marketing planning and 06."Office 2010 key is for you now!

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There is a misunderstanding, here in the beta 2 is very low, Windows vista of the program has been successful and CTP already will the company a better idea of what users want to see in product and need immediate repair. Therefore, its beta 2, you will get more complete function, is very stable, and create a technical testers, faucet, OEM ability, comprehensive test products. No beta 2 in December doesn't mean delay time, it just means that the necessary.

I'm not sure any lasting change will come from our series Scamville position. Now the most demanding of social games, it provides a good thing. But these players, seem to feel pain. Facebook is equally important, also let most of the rules of the bad things (as long as the users were told at exactly how small is twisted). It is just a question of time. Business as usual.

Four companies were wrath of the types of Scamville: tattoo, gambling, society and society. Facebook not openly discuss these companies have "ban", but they have let application developers know - and these people will also have trouble.

Zynga also Fishville a slight pause for a few days, but their cash cows, like Farmville, never be moved. Despite this fact, we clearly shows that violate the rules, through the DoubleDing operas Zynga game Zynga provide certain control.

Only four companies spend a permanent attacks. We are in a scratching.

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